Membership for Businesses & Affiliates

Your URMIA Opportunities

Affiliate membership is available for companies that are attuned to the needs and purposes of higher education risk management professionals. Examples include insurance companies, brokerages, law firms, emergency assistance and security services, restoration and recovery services, crisis management providers, and consultants.

URMIA membership provides opportunities for affiliates to get a better understanding about the issues facing higher education risk managers, demonstrate expertise, and make deep connections with potential clients across the United States and beyond.



It is great to connect with higher ed clients through URMIA and learn what issues really keep them up at night and available solutions. This helps us to offer products that are customized to fit their needs.
Headshot of Jeanne Consiglio, Vice President – Northeast Region, Old Republic General Insurance Group

Jeanne Consiglio
Vice President – Northeast Region

Old Republic General Insurance Group


What Is in It for You

Affiliate members receive member benefits that help put them in front of and beside URMIA’s institutional members to collaboratively work to address higher education’s risk management and insurance needs in opportunities to:

  • Highlight your services in URMIA's Affiliate Member Services Directory
  • Co-present conference sessions and other professional development
  • Receive free access to virtual learning and discounted registration for in-person events
  • Engage with institutional members on the URMIAnetwork
  • Contribute articles, white papers, and other resources
  • Serve on various URMIA task forces and committees
  • Join the Affiliates Committee
  • Serve as the affiliate member representative on the board of directors




Affiliate members have priority over other businesses to communicate their message, services, and products to a wide audience of higher education risk management professionals through our sponsorship program.    Explore Sponsorship


Unique Conference Experience

We encourage affiliate members to enjoy the full range of our programming by attending workshops, conference sessions, and special events. URMIA does not host an exhibit hall, so affiliate members are free to network and experience our events alongside other attendees.    Explore Conferences


Membership Dues


A thumbnail linking to URMIA's membership dues chart for affilite memberships for businesses